Vampiric Weapon

Might&Magic 1

Might&Magic 2

Might&Magic 3

Might&Magic 4-5

Might&Magic 6

Might&Magic 7

Id: 91 (Dark 3)
Cost: 20 SP
Req Skill: Dark (Normal)
Description: Enchants a weapon with the Vampiric ability. Damage inflicted on monsters struck by this weapon will be given to the weapon's wielder as extra hit points, up to his normal hit point maximum.

Might&Magic 8

Id: 91 (Dark 3)
Cost: 20 SP
Req Skill: Dark (Normal)
Description: Enchants a weapon with the Vampiric ability. Damage inflicted on monsters struck by this weapon will be given to the weapon's wielder as extra hit points, up to his or her normal hit point maximum.